
Tammy I. Glenn, Founder and CEO

Welcome Caregivers!

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Special needs situations, like those we find in a home healthcare setting, demand special responses.

The fact that you’ve registered to participate in this blog is a sign that you are in a special needs situation. You are probably under a tremendous amount of stress and strain – both physically and emotionally – and you probably feel very alone right now.

Take heart…you are not alone.

For what it’s worth, the National Family Caregivers Association (visit their website at www.thefamilycaregiver.org/about/) estimates that there are approximately 54 million people in the nation currently caring for someone in need.It’s not an easy road, and that’s why I’ve created HomeBoundResources.com.

Let's not reinvent the wheel. Together, as a community, we are the experts in collecting and sharing the most important resources, information, and help for people who are challenged by a home healthcare situation.I really do care about how caregivers and patients achieve the highest standard of living possible. To that end, I recently introduced contributing writers as part of Tammy's Think Tank Team. Everybody benefits by a little help from their friends! Look for interesting articles on Fitness, Relationship Dynamics, Mobility, Overcoming Challenges. If you have an issue that needs addressed, let us know. You'd be surprised by the creative solutions people use!

I understand that every situation is different, and good advice in one situation may not be so appropriate in another. So, please let us know what’s working and what’s not. Visit http://www.homeboundresources.com/, and explore the tips, resources and publications available.

And, if you’ve got some advice of your own on a topic that I’ve written about, please feel free to e-mail your feedback to me. This effort works best when we all help each other.

From My Heart to Yours,

Monday, August 1, 2011

August Inspiration by Chris Rohan, www.DisabledDealerMagazine.com

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” - Buddha

Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, it robs you of truly living. The only important moment is the present moment. With that goal in mind, consider this list of ten tips below to start living your life in the present:

1.  Remove unneeded possessions, remove clutter.
2.  Smile. Each day is full of endless possibilities! Start it with a smile. You are in control of your attitude every morning. How does that song go? Smile and the whole world smiles with you.
3.  Fully appreciate the moments of today.
4.  Forgive past hurts. If you are harboring resentment towards another human being because of past hurts, choose to forgive and move on. The harm was their fault. Allowing it to impact your mood today is your fault.
5.  Love your job. If you totally hate your job. Make a decision. You can quit. Or, you can change your attitude. Whatever you do, do it now.
6.  Dream about the future, but work hard today. Dreams are good, and don’t let them replace livin--today.
7.  Don’t dwell on past accomplishments.
8.  Stop worrying! Tomorrow is going happen, and worrying is a waste of time. Worrying is a great thief of time. Robbing you of the present moment.
9.  Think beyond old solutions to problems. Our world is changing so fast. What worked in the past may not work today. Keep an open mind.
10.  Conquer addictions. Addictions in your life hold you hostage. Find help. Take the steps.

Now, I am going to put this on my refrigerator and I will try to follow day by day.
Chris Rohan is the publisher of DisabledDealerMagazine.com, serving individuals with physical challenges throughout California, Nevada and Arizona.  She was inspired to take on the magazine when her son, Bobby, suffered a spinal cord injury in March 1989.  Find out more at http://www.disableddealermagazine.com/

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