
Tammy I. Glenn, Founder and CEO

Welcome Caregivers!

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Special needs situations, like those we find in a home healthcare setting, demand special responses.

The fact that you’ve registered to participate in this blog is a sign that you are in a special needs situation. You are probably under a tremendous amount of stress and strain – both physically and emotionally – and you probably feel very alone right now.

Take heart…you are not alone.

For what it’s worth, the National Family Caregivers Association (visit their website at www.thefamilycaregiver.org/about/) estimates that there are approximately 54 million people in the nation currently caring for someone in need.It’s not an easy road, and that’s why I’ve created HomeBoundResources.com.

Let's not reinvent the wheel. Together, as a community, we are the experts in collecting and sharing the most important resources, information, and help for people who are challenged by a home healthcare situation.I really do care about how caregivers and patients achieve the highest standard of living possible. To that end, I recently introduced contributing writers as part of Tammy's Think Tank Team. Everybody benefits by a little help from their friends! Look for interesting articles on Fitness, Relationship Dynamics, Mobility, Overcoming Challenges. If you have an issue that needs addressed, let us know. You'd be surprised by the creative solutions people use!

I understand that every situation is different, and good advice in one situation may not be so appropriate in another. So, please let us know what’s working and what’s not. Visit http://www.homeboundresources.com/, and explore the tips, resources and publications available.

And, if you’ve got some advice of your own on a topic that I’ve written about, please feel free to e-mail your feedback to me. This effort works best when we all help each other.

From My Heart to Yours,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome to the Think Tank Team: Ashley Olson of WheelChairTraveling.com

HomeBoundResources is delighted to welcome Ashley Lyn Olson, founder of http://www.wheelchairtraveling.com/ to Tammy's Think Tank Team.  Accessibility is key to our mental and physical health and we applaud Ashley for establishing a website that helps us all get out and see more of the world.

It takes an impressive woman to produce such an impressive internet site.  Through her contributing articles, she's going to show us how to get around the world and back!  I think you'll enjoy her observations and advice whether or not you're in a wheelchair.  But, first, here's her personal story:

At age fourteen, I was paralyzed in a horrible car wreck that took the life of my father, crippled my mother and injured my younger sister. That one moment transformed my entire world, but it couldn’t damper my spirit. I love adventure and that passion will never die in me. After going through high school, I received a scholarship from USC where I graduated with a degree in Communications and Music Industry. I currently reside in northern California.

I believe the world offers so much to us in its contrasts of natural beauties and man-made masterpieces. It’s a place to be explored. I’ve also discovered that it’s not entirely accessible, but there are still lots of places a disabled traveler can go. Whether it be the big city or countryside, the beach or mountains, there’s opportunity everywhere.

Breaking away from our familiar boundaries and testing our limits, for a wheelchair traveler, can take courage sometimes I realize, but the journey can be intensely satisfying. That’s the main reason I created my wheelchairtraveling.com site. It’s become my mission to add as much information as I can about all the accessible destinations I know of around the world, including activities, lodging and transportation, and to seek out other wheelchair travelers who want to share these adventures with me.

Ever since my injury, my eyes have been opened to the beauty of life, from the grandest of scales to the tiniest parts. I welcome life now with open arms and remember that all journeys come from the heart. “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Ashley Lyn Olson

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